Bad Habits That Can Harm Your Oral Health
At Smile Dental Clinics, we want to educate our patients on how to properly care for their teeth at home. Not only is it important to learn how to clean your teeth, but it is also helpful to know about the habits that may be harming your oral health. Numerous habits can cause pain as well as a dental emergency, including:
Using Teeth as Tools
- When you need to open a package or cut a tag, it can be tempting to use your teeth in place of another tooth. However, that can cause serious damage to your teeth. We would hate for you to experience a cracked or broken tooth. It is important to take the extra time and get the right tool to perform the action you need.
Grinding Your Teeth
- Many patients are unaware they have this habit, because it often happens during sleep. We stress the importance of routine dental care in our office because we check your teeth for issues such as this, and we can recommend treatment before there is a serious complication to your oral health.
Biting Your Nails
- Biting your nails not only weakens and potentially cracks your teeth, but it also introduces harmful bacteria into your mouth. Biting your nails can lead to issues such as dental sores and illness.
Snacking Throughout the Day
- Snacking throughout the day greatly increases your chances of developing tooth decay. Harmful bacteria buildup lingers on your teeth and will eventually lead to the need for dental treatments. This is true if you enjoy sipping on sugary drinks throughout the day as well.
If you are in Phoenix, AZ or the surrounding area and are concerned that any of these habits have already caused damage to your teeth, please call our office to schedule an appointment. We can work together to come up with a dental plan that is right for you and your needs. We look forward to seeing you soon!